Tierrechtskongress Wien, CARE - Conference on Animal Rights Europe, 2.–5. November 2017
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Rechte für Vegane Englischer Vortrag von Petr Kudelka (Österreich)

Don Bosco Saal: Hauptraum im Erdgeschoß

Presentation of a manual on legal issues resulting from a vegetarian and vegan life. With an introduction from Austrian Vegan Society (VGÖ) chair, Felix Hnat.

More and more people are becoming vegetarian and vegan. In a society where the consumption of animal products still represents the norm, maintaining a vegan lifestyle can often be quite challenging. Whether in hospitals, schools or the civil service, vegan options ore often not available and vegans are repeatedly discriminated against due to their ethical convictions. Also, veganism touches on a variety of other issues beyond the mere provision of food, such as consumer rights or parental custody. In many countries, the legal provisions for equal treatment ignore the fact that veganism qualifies as a belief under the European convention of human rights. Thus, the discrimination of vegans due to their conviction contradicts European law. This book deals with the rights of vegetarians and vegans and explores ways to assert those rights.

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