CARE - Conference on Animal Rights Europe, 2-5 November 2017 in Vienna

Detailed information

Eveline Lubbers

Eveline Lubbers Netherlands

Eveline Lubbers is an activist and independent researcher based in Amsterdam and working in the UK. In the 1980s, build on experiences in the squatters movement she founded buro Jansen & Janssen, monitoring police and intelligence. In the 1990s the attention shifted to corporate spying on political campaigns, and she initiated and co-authored the book Battling Big Business, Countering Greenwash, Infiltration, and Other Forms of Corporate Bullying foreword by Naomi Klein (2002). Her PhD (2009) resulted in the book Secret Manoeuvres in the Dark (Pluto Press, 2012) exposing undercover activities by corporations. Based on exclusive access to previously confidential sources, this research shows how companies such as Nestlé, Shell and McDonald's use covert methods to gather intelligence on campaigners, counter criticism, and evade accountability.

She co-founded the Undercover Research Group bringing together the knowledge of activists exposing undercover policing to support others investigating suspicions. Publishing profiles on officers and their units allows her to continue her research on the network of corporate and police spying to undermine political activism, and to challenge this serious threat to democracy.

She is also a mother of three, spending years fighting for the rights of the oldest who suffered severe brain damage at birth.

Contributions to the conference

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