Detailed information

Hrvoje Harač Croatia
Hrvoje Harač Born in October 1984, in Osijek, Croatia. In the same month but 23 years later, persuaded by a friend, Hrvoje came to Osijek's dog shelter for the first time and appalled by the back then truly horrific conditions became voluntary involved in the transformation of the shelter, from the worst then to the best now in the whole country. Learning from dogs and friends, he became vegan and participated in the founding of the association Udruga Pobjede, which is besides animal protection (the association took over the dog shelter in 2011) active in promoting animal rights and veganism. Today, Hrvoje is one of the most involved members of Udruga Pobjede, a person to learn from every day and a great friend!
Has blue eyes, a great sense of humour and one of the biggest hearts on the planet!
Contributions to the conference
- Pobjede – Croatian word for Victories
English talk on
room: Laura Vicuña