Detailed information

Reinhard Grabler Austria
Reinhard, Director Sea Shepherd Austria, born 1991 in Korneuburg, became active for animal rights inspired by the Hardcore music scene. After joining some protests in Vienna, he became active as volunteer for Sea Shepherd Austria. In 2016 he was nominated as Director, and has since been active in Austria and on international campaigns for the marine conservation organization. Reinhard is a student in Mechanical Engineering - Management at Vienna University of Technology, and has been working in educational robotics between 2011 and 2017 as co-founder of the Practical Robotics Institute Austria. Next to joining the direct action campaigns of Sea Shepherd, he is actively promoting ocean conservation among engineers, with the Shark – DIY Maritime Robotics project.
Contributions to the conference
- Poachers Beware
English talk on
room: Don Bosco Saal